Advice People Don’t Need


How does everyday language become poetry and how much of what we say online is wholly original? Advice People Don’t Need is a collection of poems made from Facebook statuses. With the help of the website, Tishon Woolcock compiled pages of text from his own auto-generated status posts and used the process of erasure to create a series of poems. Tishon’s thoughts on art, success and the meaning of life merge with the voices of Pablo Neruda and Frank O’Hara, whose lines serendipitously make their way into the poems. Written during Tishon’s Poets House Emerging Poets Fellowship, the book is a study of the poet’s role in cataloging language and ponders how much of what we say is wholly original.

Published: June 10, 2014
Chapbook: $10.00
Pages: 22
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 in

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